Iphone Sim Unlock Nasıl Yapılır
MasterUnlockCode.com deliberately does not provide any advice or service to anyone wishing to unlock a phone purchased from an US service provider on January 26, 2013 or later in the United States. If you are on a Mac When you drive Mountain Lion or Mavericks, you may need to right-click on the evasion0n jailbreak tool and click Open and confirm that you want to open it. That means most apps work, but if you experimenting enough, you eventually need to burn your operating system and start over and lose all the tweaks you done in the jailbreaking process. Why? Because Apple has always struggled with jailbreakers by forcing devices to authenticate with official servers every time they upgrade or downgrade. Iphone 5 Apple Store Usa Unlocked. Although the iOS 9 version of TaiG can be jailbreaked, Ultrasn0w app (which is responsible for software unlocking) only supports up to 6.1.6 iOS.